Thursday, August 16, 2007

Main Course: Ratatouille... Dessert? Ice Cream!!

Hey guys-

I start my first day of work at The Palo Alto Weekly today! But before that happens, let's start off with a few interesting tidbits of Disney news.

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For those of you who have seen Pixar's RATATOUILLE, do you recall the scene where Remy's dad shows him the rat-trap-shop-of-doom? I remember while I was seeing that scene, I thought to myself, "That's really gross.. thank God it's just in a movie!" Well, I was WRONG! That shop in the movie is based on an actual rat-trap shop, in Paris, whose window display has been like that since 1925! Apparently, the movie has made the shop, today, a highly visited tourist attraction! Click here for the full article!

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In other food related news, in order to celebrate MARY POPPINS on Broadway, a Manhattan dessert shop, Serendipity 3, has created an ice-cream special called the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Sundae.

"Try a scoop of strawberry ice cream in a goblet with a slice of cheesecake under a sweet strawberry topping and clouds of whipped cream drizzled with caramel sauce. It's decorated with an umbrella hovering above a chocolate wafer chim-chimney."

This dessert is going for a whopping $13.50; although I'm not so sure about paying that much for ice-cream, this concotion sounds absolutely DELICIOUS!! The Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Sundae will only be available for a limited time, so hurry and try a bite!

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Remember, in order to celebrate the world premiere of High School Musical 2, the Disney Channel has been showing movies that ROCK all this week. Tonight on DISNEY at THE MOVIES @ 8PM:


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For the complete Disney Channel TV schedule, click here!

That's it for now-
Peace out!
-andi w.

1 comment:

mswangdoodle said...

eww! sickeningly, i want to visit the rat-trap-shop..