Thursday, June 7, 2007


Hey guys-

Here are a bunch of new Disney DVDs, and Disney-related CDs that are being released in the summer! I've included LINKS where you can pre-order all of these items online- enjoy!


Although we were able to get a sneak peek on the Disney Channel last month... don't you want to OWN your very own copy of High School Musical: The Concert - Extreme Access Pass? Well, you can on June 26th! Click on the photo below to pre-order this DVD from!

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While you're at the store, picking up the HSM: In Concert DVD, be sure to pick up the new HANNAH MONTANA: Pop Star Profile DVD as well, while you're at it! This DVD include four episodes and two extra behind-the-scenes features! You can either wait to get it in stores on June 26th, or you can pre-order it from amazon NOW (by clicking on the image below!)

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On the same day that the new Hannah Montana DVD drops, Hannah Montana AND her alter-ego (aka. real self), MILEY CYRUS is coming out with a double-disc soundtrack/album! While one CD will be filled with Hannah Montana tracks, the second CD will feature all new and ORIGINAL tracks sung by Miley Cyrus, as Miley herself. Click on the image below to pre-order your own copy from amazon!

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The album cover for Aly & A.J.'s new album, Insomniatic has been revealed on Altho the album drops on July 10th, you can still pre-order the album for $14.99 on amazon by click on the image below!

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Although amazon hasn't posted the new album cover for the new Jonas Brothers' album, which will hit stores August 7th, Disney X has uncovered an image of it. You can l pre-order the album (from amazon) by clicking on the image below.

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There will be two huge DVDs released on this date... first up: The Suite Life of Zack and Cody: Sweet Suite Victory. This DVD will include four episodes, as well as some behind-the-scenes footage. Also rumored is a bonus never-seen-before episode! (Click on the image below to pre-order your copy before it hits stores on August 7th!)

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The first ever CORY IN THE HOUSE DVD will be released on this same date! Although it is unclear as to how many episodes will be on this DVD (although most Disney Channel "TV" DVDs release four with an extra episode), this DVD will include behind-the-scenes footage with The Rock, and Disney Channel veteran, Raven Symone! (Click on the image below to pre-order your copy before this DVD hits stores on August 7th!)

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Tonight on DISNEY at THE MOVIES @ 8PM:

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For the complete Disney Channel TV schedule, click here!

That's it for now-
Peace out!
-andi w.

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