Sunday, August 19, 2007

The End of the Hype

Hey guys-

One final HSM tidbit before moving on to other Disney news. The NEW YORK TIMES, as well as other major news-broadcasting outlets are stating that the Friday premiere of High School Musical 2 produced the LARGEST single-audience in the HISTORY of cable television with a whopping... 17.2 MILLION VIEWERS. Keep in mind, there were probably a few hundred HSM2 parties going on, so this number should probably be a little bit higher if you multiply each television set by 10! Click here for the complete story.

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Speaking of new Disney movies, the upcoming live-action movie (with a 20 minute animated introduction), ENCHANTED has finally released its official movie poster.

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You can also watch the official trailer for the movie at its official youtube page, or you can watch it below:

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Tonight on the DISNEY CHANNEL @ 8PM: (In order to complete the wild weekend kick-off.. the third, and final, showing of...)

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Click here for the complete Disney Channel TV listing for today.

That's it for now...
Peace out!
-andi w.

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