Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pixar Projects: According to Lasseter

It's official! John Lasseter, Pixar's chief creative officer, has not only confirmed that PIxar will, indeed, be going ahead with TOY STORY 3, but also that he will be directing it himself!

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Lasseter has also confirmed that the Pixar film after Wall-E will be a film titled UP, and will be "a big action adventure starring an 80 year old man," which is set to be released the same year Pixar's new 2-D animated film, The Princess and the Frog, will in 2009. Toy Story 3 is projected to be released in 2010, while Wall-E hits theatres on June 27, 2008.

You can click here for the full article from For those of you who have yet to see the trailer for Wall-E, you can preview two of them below.

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For the complete DISNEY CHANNEL TV listing, click here.

That's it for today-
Peace out!
-andi w.

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