Thursday, May 24, 2007

YoHo, YoHo, It's time for Pirates 3!!

Hey guys!

In celebration of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD'S END, here's a picture I managed to muster up from Halloween in Italy last fall where my friends Matt and Joe dressed were Pirates and I was Minnie Mouse!

Pirates of the Caribbean GONE BAD! (haha)

Remember... the first showing of PIRATES is tonight at 8 PM!! (I've got my tickets for 3:15PM for tomorrow, since my bf's got early classes we can't see the midnight showing.. BUT, I will definitely give you my review the moment I've seen it! ... So far, it's gotten 51% (mixed reviews) on rottentomatoes. Here's hoping that it's better than what it's been reported to be!

Besides the opening of the third installment of Pirates... I am ECSTATIC to announce that IT is finally here!! Well... what is IT, you ask? The trailer for the new Disney movie, ENCHANTED starring Amy Adams, James Marsden, Patrick Dempsey, and my favorites, Julie Andrews and Idina Menzel. Click here to download it from Or, you can click on the picture below to watch it STREAMING from Idina's Myspace

[photo source]

As for Disney's new animated feature, it has been confirmed that Dreamgirls' Anika Noni Rose will be providing the voice for Disney's new, Princess Tiana. Also, the movie's official title, The Frog Princess has been changed to The Princes and the Frog. Click on the photo below for the full article.


Tonight on DISNEY at THE MOVIES @ 8PM:

Starring The Suite Life's Brenda Song

For the complete DISNEY CHANNEL TV schedule, click here.

That's it for today-
Peace out!
-andi w.

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