Monday, June 4, 2007

Do It Yourself: Pixar Animations 101

Hey guys-

Did anyone catch the MTV Movie Awards last night? Besides Sara Silverman's HI-LARIOUS opening monologue (which I would recommend that you check out if you're over the age of 13), High School Musical's Zac Efron was a presenter for the Best Movie category, which didn't show up until the very END of the awards show. Sadly, I didn't spot any other Disney Channel stars in the audience, but here are a few photos that were taken out on the Pink Carpet last night: (Click on the photos to see the complete collection)!

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MAIN STREET AMERICA. Sound familiar? Probaly because it is almost the same, exact name as Disney's MAIN STREET U.S.A.. Plans have just been announced that the Axiom Entertainment of Rochester is planning on developing a $106 million theme park aptly titled Main Street America. Supposedly, they have nothing to do with Disney, but I could only speculate as to how they might be just another theme park, trying to make some money off of a certain Disney likeness... hmmmm... Click here for the complete story.

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Here is a bit of exciting news for those of you who are amateur movie-makers, like myself! PIXAR, along with Escape Studios, is planning on releasing ANIMATION TOOLS that will help educate the public on how to use RENDERMAN, which is what PIXAR uses on their animation. They are planning for a LATE SUMMER 2007 release! Click here for the complete story.

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In non-Disney-related news, I would like to wish one of my favorite actresses a very happy 32nd birthday!!

Happy Birthday, Angelina Jolie!!

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Tonight on DISNEY at THE MOVIES @ 8PM:

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For the complete Disney Channel TV schedule, click here.

That's it for today-
Peace out!
-andi w.

1 comment:

TiMo said...

VAH is soooo hott! i sound like a teeny bopper and i'm proud of it!